Can we use the IC2 addons? Because some of them would help alot.

The Ultimate Industrial Frame Engineering Challenge(s) - TUIFEC
Just for this contest, I reworked the crafting table a bit so it works with regulators.
Just for this contest, I reworked the crafting table a bit so it works with regulators.
Is it out now?
Ides for contest categories:
Self replicating IC2 machine (IDK maybe something destructive?)
Auto IC2 Workshop builder that moves. -
is wireless redstone CBE allowed?
is there any guide about the commands of the redpower 2 computers ?
its basicly for a quary thats on the construction it needs to know that it needs to lower the frames and add pipe until a certain depth or after a certain time
and then it needs to stop lowering take the pipe back and let the engine move the frames up until its back in starting position.and some other programs so the machine doesnt bug it self
the machine allrdy works with levers/ repeaters ( just need to make it do it automaticly)
and suddenly to many items bugs out on me its just gone reinstalling doesnt fix the problemwhy univers are you so against me
i made a logic system to do it without computers. Just use a counter, and timer. when the counter changes sides, it changes the toggle latch. the toggle latch toggles which direction the quarry moves. when that toggle latch is pulsed, it also moves down a level.
is computercraft allowed? for those of us who don't like forth and perfer lua?
Unless stated, other mods or mod-addons are not allowed.
Is there a way to make frame motors work faster, so that the contraptions suggested in the contest would actually be practical? I expected them to work like pistons, but at the moment they are excruciatingly slow.
is computercraft allowed? for those of us who don't like forth and perfer lua?
You could (probably) always just code yourself a RedBus Lua.
For the spamatron, can we have the factory that produces solar panels stationary and the moving machine places tubes that deliver the solar panels to the deployers?
Is it out now?
Yes. -
For the spamatron, can we have the factory that produces solar panels stationary and the moving machine places tubes that deliver the solar panels to the deployers?
I think the idea was the machine could produce and lay solar panels indefinably in a direction, with your idea the moving part chunks (or factory if u sat on the moving part) would eventually unload and then the whole machine would stop working. So it therefore could never work indefinably
For the spamatron, can we have the factory that produces solar panels stationary and the moving machine places tubes that deliver the solar panels to the deployers?
Nope, factory must be mobile, itself. Otherwise it wouldn't be a challenge at all. (Because there are auto-crafting solar panel factorys since a few month. adding a deployer-frame to it isn't worth a contest). -
managed to write the programs for moving the machine and drilling in front of it the only problem now is that i cant put the commands in 1 single command
the machine moves foward but it keeps ignoring the drill commandtyping move command and let it move.
Waiting a bit and then typ drill command makes the machine do what it should be doing -
the machine moves foward but it keeps ignoring the drill command
Waiting a bit and then typ drill command makes the machine do what it should be doing
You need to make use of the TICK and # TICKS words ( mostly TICKS ).
I will link you to a post about a TBM I made. Control code is there. -
figured it out spiwn anyway thx
this guide basicly gives the basics of the commands of the redpower 2 PC's</a> -
My problem so far is i cant get the spammatron's mining part to work: I cant connect frames and pipes/redstone to enough block breakers... help?
Task: Design a spaceship made of frames, which is capable of omnidirectional flight. It needs to be capable of mining ressources via IC miners, as well as processing these FULLY AUTOMATED in a reasonable way (Ore > Macerator > Dust > Furnace > Ingot > Storage).
Check-The main power source of the spaceship MUST be (at least one) Nuclear Reactor. <<< As long as Nuclear Reactors crash upon being moved with frames, this limitation does not apply. Though you may attach additional "auxilary/emergency" energy sources.
Check -Flight mechanics need to be semi-automatic. A pilot/player merely needs to flip a switch for each directional movement, the vessel will keep moving into that direction until the switch is flipped off again.
Check -(De)Activation of miners does NOT need to be automatized. //especially if you consider the enet bug.
25% -The spaceship must be capable of landing/starting in a realistic fashion (f.e. by landing on leg-like appendages). Bonus points if you are able to expand/retract the landing pads via frames.
75% -The refinery complex needs to be capable of fully processing any sort of Ore, as well as storing or recycling any sort of material thrown into the system. As all refinery designs, it must contain a manual input (usually a chest) for players to dump any stuff in.
Check -It's not necessaryly a requirement for the spaceships refinery/storage system to be fully operational mid-flight.
Check -The spaceship does not need to be able of altering it's environment in any ways but the miners. You don't need it to be able to eat through mountains, nor does it need to be capable of terraforming something into a flat landing area.
Check -The Mining component of the ship must consist of IC Miners.I'll get a bunch of screenshots posted soon
I just started work on the Solar-SPAMatron. I'll post screenshots at a later point