@above, im sure its fine to use in your private modpack

[GregTech-6][1.7.10] Moved to Website [Closed]
- GregoriusT
- Closed
Hey GregoriusT loving the addon, I personally like the changes you make to rebalancing IC. The new challenges and goals makes for some good fun.
I have two suggestion/ requests I’d like to make.
1. Would it be possible to have a config option to prevent cobble/ stone generation when water and lava meet? I would like this for two reasons, firstly I’ve always found it odd that you can make infinite cobble from finite water and lava. And secondly it would make a better use for the electric rock breaker. The cost of rock breaker sounds more reasonable if it’s the only way to make infinite cobble without having to mine for it.2. Could there be a config option to remove minecarts and golden helmets from the possible yield of scrap boxes. Now with the macerator recipes they yield allot of iron /gold respectively at least compared to their chances of occurring, especially against the chances of iron or gold ore.
Also I noticed while playing on the FTB mod pack that thorium cells output at 5 eu/t. I don’t know if that’s to do with how the FTB pack is set up or if it’s a bug.
Hi GregoriusT, I just installed industrial-craft 1.109 and the latest
version of gregtech on my mc 1.4.5 along with NEI. When I went to play a
world it crashed probably due to an outdated nei addon. Could you
update/ask mistaqur to update the nei addon in GregTech so that I could
be able to use it. Love the mod and hope you will be able to update it
soon. Thanks. -
Hi GregoriusT, I just installed industrial-craft 1.109 and the latest
version of gregtech on my mc 1.4.5 along with NEI. When I went to play a
world it crashed probably due to an outdated nei addon. Could you
update/ask mistaqur to update the nei addon in GregTech so that I could
be able to use it. Love the mod and hope you will be able to update it
soon. Thanks.Eh.... Actually, Greg packages his own NEI addon within GregTech, so I highly doubt that the problem lies in GT's addon. A crash report would help us help you immensely.
Eh.... Actually, Greg packages his own NEI addon within GregTech, so I highly doubt that the problem lies in GT's addon. A crash report would help us help you immensely.
When I deleted the nei folder in the gregtech.zip the crash went away. I don't know if Nei is working with it though. Crash Report is attached...
Please, can you add support for CraftGuide?
Could you give Apatite some kind of use beyond Forestry fertilizing? As it is, there are just so many better and easier alternatives to apatite added by Forestry, that it's made apatite pretty much useless.
Unless you're sending mail...
I just released my NEI plugins, its' include Ore Dictionary viewer (it should be enabled first in NEI options).
Btw, can you add some recipes to Blast Furnace from Railcraft? Dublicate some recipes from your Blast Furnace (Aluminium for example), or move some recipes from standart furnace? It is perfect furnace tier 2 (your Blast furnace is tier2-tier3 furnace depend on temperature capacity). -
I have ]a quick question, where do i put the gui textures for texturepack support? Working on them forSoartex Fanver. I tried in here \texturepacks\Soartex Fanver\gregtechmod\textures\gui, but they dont appear. I must be doing something wrong. any help?
I have seriously no Idea about how Texture Packs are working. It should work the way you explained.
Has anyone an Idea why it isnt working?
Can you hide all Tiny Piles?Good Idea. I will see what i can do. I've seen such a Method somewhere in NEI.
With the mods stabilizing at 1.45, I am re-launching my server. So, in preparation I am making the necessary requests for permission to include the mods in a modpack for private, non-commercial distribution to the server members. I will be including a credits file in the pack acknowledging the hard work of the mod authors and giving links back to this thread.
Thanks for your consideration, and all of the hard work.
Of course you can.
1. Would it be possible to have a config option to prevent cobble/ stone generation when water and lava meet? I would like this for two reasons, firstly I’ve always found it odd that you can make infinite cobble from finite water and lava. And secondly it would make a better use for the electric rock breaker. The cost of rock breaker sounds more reasonable if it’s the only way to make infinite cobble without having to mine for it.
Not really. But I can make a Basefile for that.
2. Could there be a config option to remove minecarts and golden helmets from the possible yield of scrap boxes. Now with the macerator recipes they yield allot of iron /gold respectively at least compared to their chances of occurring, especially against the chances of iron or gold ore.
Yes, I will make that Default.
Also I noticed while playing on the FTB mod pack that thorium cells output at 5 eu/t. I don’t know if that’s to do with how the FTB pack is set up or if it’s a bug.
What? Either Richard broke an API-Hook or something else. My own Thorium Cells are working as they should.
Could you give Apatite some kind of use beyond Forestry fertilizing? As it is, there are just so many better and easier alternatives to apatite added by Forestry, that it's made apatite pretty much useless.
Unless you're sending mail...
Macerating Apatite Gems -> IC²-Fertilizer.
Btw, can you add some recipes to Blast Furnace from Railcraft? Dublicate some recipes from your Blast Furnace (Aluminium for example), or move some recipes from standart furnace? It is perfect furnace tier 2 (your Blast furnace is tier2-tier3 furnace depend on temperature capacity).
Aluminium yes, but not the rest.
@NEI-Crash: Your NEI is broken, so you should feel broken. Update NEI if it doesnt work. I'm sure CB changed something again.
Hi, is there any plan to make a machine that can convert diamond dust back to diamond? If there's none I think it's better to turn off the diamondOreMaceration by default since some people might just macerate it and later find out that they can only use diamond dust for some of GregTech recipes.. (because @ earlier version, you could convert diamond dust to diamond by smelting it, but not anymore)
Suggestion: maybe make it so that you can convert diamond dust to diamond @ tier 2 or tier 3 Ind. blast furnace or new Ind. Compressor that use high temperature high pressure environment (to make it more realistic)?
Hi, is there any plan to make a machine that can convert diamond dust back to diamond? If there's none I think it's better to turn off the diamondOreMaceration by default since some people might just macerate it and later find out that they can only use diamond dust for some of GregTech recipes.. (because @ earlier version, you could convert diamond dust to diamond by smelting it, but not anymore)
Suggestion: maybe make it so that you can convert diamond dust to diamond @ tier 2 or tier 3 Ind. blast furnace or new Ind. Compressor?
I'm pretty certain this is the default now, try deleting your config file and having it regenerate.
Nice how all complain about Diamond Ore Maceration. These Guys forget, that without my Addon, it wouldnt even be possible to macerate it at all.
I'm pretty certain this is the default now, try deleting your config file and having it regenerate.
Nope, I've just upgraded my minecraft to 1.4.5 with fresh Greg installment and the diamond ore was macerated by default..
Nice how all complain about Diamond Ore Maceration. These Guys forget, that without my Addon, it wouldnt even be possible to macerate it at all.
I'm not complaining really.. just a precaution in case some people complain later..
Sry for double post..
Nice how all complain about Diamond Ore Maceration. These Guys forget, that without my Addon, it wouldnt even be possible to macerate it at all.
When I was looking into macerating nether diamonds in either regular macerator vs industrial grinder I initially thought the grinder to be more effective due to it basically giving 2.5 diamods per block. Luckily I checked that diamond dusts don't really behave like nearly all other dusts (can't make into real item) so I knew what to expect.
Though to be honest I agree with your decision that re-making diamonds from dust would be kind of weird. It's not a metal you can smelt back together and just compressing it won't re-build the crystal structure. Though using the dust in some recipes makes perfect sense. E.g all those drills and grinders that basically would use dust anyway instead of full diamonds. Using dust for e.g in various laser items isn't logical at all.
Basically what I'm trying to say is not being able to make diamonds from dusts is good but it would be nice if people wouldn't have to find out about it the hard way. How to actually make people know about it is a mystery, though.
Did the Nether Diamond work, or did you have to smelt it before macerating/grinding? I use "oreDiamond" for Diamond Maceration and not the hardcoded BlockID, so that NetherOres should work if they are registered (as "oreNetherDiamond" for example as the "Nether"-Part of the Orenames gets ignored by me).
It worked just fine without having to smelt it before.
Indusrial grinder gives me one full diamond + 6 small dusts per nether diamond block. Regular macerator shows me two recipes. one giving two diamonds other two big diamond dusts but so far I've only gotten the regular diamonds when I throw them to macerator.
Macerating nether ore blocks in regular macerator generally gives twice as much dusts as the overworld version of the stuff. In industrial grinder some blocks give as much as normal overworld ores, some give more. E.g nether iron ore in ind. grinder: 2 iron dusts + 1x tiny nickel + 1x tiny tin. In regular macerator I get four iron dusts. Throwing the nether ore block to a furnace gives only one overworld ore block. Similar things seem to happen with nether gold/copper/tin. With Lapis and Redstone I get 10 redstones +2x tiny glowstone dusts vs 6 redstone dusts in macerator. With lapis I get 12 lapis +12 tiny lapis dusts vs 8 lapis in macerator.
GT can you think of a use for quartz?
It worked just fine without having to smelt it before.
Indusrial grinder gives me one full diamond + 6 small dusts per nether diamond block. Regular macerator shows me two recipes. one giving two diamonds other two big diamond dusts but so far I've only gotten the regular diamonds when I throw them to macerator.
Macerating nether ore blocks in regular macerator generally gives twice as much dusts as the overworld version of the stuff. In industrial grinder some blocks give as much as normal overworld ores, some give more. E.g nether iron ore in ind. grinder: 2 iron dusts + 1x tiny nickel + 1x tiny tin. In regular macerator I get four iron dusts. Throwing the nether ore block to a furnace gives only one overworld ore block. Similar things seem to happen with nether gold/copper/tin. With Lapis and Redstone I get 10 redstones +2x tiny glowstone dusts vs 6 redstone dusts in macerator. With lapis I get 12 lapis +12 tiny lapis dusts vs 8 lapis in macerator.
So Nether Ores are OP. They are easier to find and give 4 Dusts instead of 2. My Pyrite-Solution is much better than that.
GT can you think of a use for quartz?
You mean those Thaumcraft-Crystals of Xycraft? Yes, I could make a Dust for them (but you still have to find out the secret Code).
P.S. If that Code gets public then I will change it, so don't post it in my sight Range (aka 95% of the active Forum).
Those are the ones sir.
I think those who know it would know better then to post it.