[GT-Suggestions] I still look at this Thread when I got out of Ideas for new things, yes really I do that. Even though I don't edit this Post anymore.

  • First, sorry if i just write again some suggestions if are already writed by others. I can't read every single post. Sorry! :)

    - Custom food created in Packager with Plastic and laterly warmed in Microwave Oven for eat only(as you want to add). Abilities of this can be some potion effects like speed, regen etc.
    - Tomatoes, Fries & Ketchup, Ketchup, Fries, Salad, Salt, Pepper, Donut's, Sacher, Chocolate...

    - Database of blocks in MC where every blocks will be creaated from some atoms or chemicals.
    - Combining Chemics & Physical things.
    - Add Chemic to Greg - Tech. H2SO4 and other things with abilities. (It's there, but haven't lot uses :) )
    - Add "Greg's Scientist Suit" which can looks like suits for Scientist in Chemical Labs. All white, glass on face... You know ;)

    - Ability to research things based by atomic science. Combining MC stuff for creating another.

    Particle Accelerator
    - Circle Accelerator. Little bit bigger then Fusion Reactor, much more expensive.
    - New blocks for that.

    Chemical Reactor ( Multi - block machine )
    - Have ability to combine 2 very expensive emelents for creating another.

    Elements & Particles, "things" etc.
    - Deuterium
    - Tritium
    - Foton
    - Pozitron
    - Antiproton
    - Radiowaves
    - Gama radiation
    - UV radiation
    - Nucleon
    - Graviton
    - Higgs Bosson
    - QED ( Quantum Electro - Dynamics)
    - Fog Chamber
    - Vacuum

    - Magnet
    - Magnetic Shield
    - Computer Shield
    - Advanced Data Cable
    - Data Storage
    - HDD's
    - Processors
    - Atomic Computer
    - Cosmic Radiation
    - Plasma ( more mechanics of that )
    - RTG Radiation
    - Superheavy Water ( Reactor things )
    - Advanced Reactor ( Multiblock looking like that in real - For this that Superheavy water )
    - More Radioactive Isotops
    - When you come closer to radiactive ore, you can recieved negative effects like Blindness, Nausea etc. and standing a longer time without protect, that should kill you or decrease for long, really long time your HP amount. 20 > 15.
    - Iodine
    - Radon, Xenon, Krypton, Argon, Neon
    - Neon for use in lamps etc.
    - Separate Uranium to 2 types: U235;U238
    - Add 4 lines of depleting
    Uran line: U238 > Pb206
    Aktinuran: U235 > Pb207
    Thorium: Thorium232 > 208Pb
    Neptunium: Np237 > Thallium205

    Antimatter concept
    - Created in Particle Accelerator
    - Need to be stored in special barrels filled with Vacuum, because collision Matter and Anit-matter should cause to explosion.

    public void getForumUserData(Signature signature, User user) { if(user.equalsTo("Cass") && user.isOnline() { Forum.Out.println("signature")})return;}

  • Sorry if my suggestions were already suggested:

    Firstly, and electromagnet recipe
    C C S
    C S C
    S C C

    C= Copper Cable (insulated)
    S = Iron Rod

    This will be used in the following recipes.

    Electric Motor recipe changed to:
    E E E
    R R R
    E C E

    E = Electromagnet
    R = Iron Rod
    C = (Insulated) Copper Cables

    Make electric engines and motors interchangeable but add a piston to the electric motor for the electric engine.

    (Auto) Electric Furnace
    E E E
    E F E
    E G E

    E = Heating Coil (lowest tier)
    F = Furnace, Iron Furnace or Steam Furnace (haven't decided)
    G = Insulated Copper Cable

    Induction Furnace
    E E E
    C F C
    C G C

    E = Electromagnet
    F = Electric Furnace (Auto Electric Furnace)
    G = Insulated Gold Cable
    C = Coil (Mid or High tier)

    Also macerator
    S M S
    S D S
    S M S

    S = Steel or similar plate
    D = Diamond or Tungsten grinder (wasn't the original name something like wolfram? I just know it is made out of tungsten)
    M = Electric Motor or Engine

    So yeah, this is how I think IC2 should be nerfed.

  • What purpose would the Higgs boson or gravitons serve?
    i mean a Standard Model of Gregtech would be cool, but is it needed?
    also gravitons are theoretical, so that puts a damper on things

  • What purpose would the Higgs boson or gravitons serve?
    i mean a Standard Model of Gregtech would be cool, but is it needed?
    also gravitons are theoretical, so that puts a damper on things

    I see what you did there.

  • Suggestion: Portable Computer
    Assembly: Computercube + metal scaffolding
    The portable computer is just like the computercube, except:

    -Can not connect to wires, and is powered by special battery-packs placed inside it
    -When punched, drops itself as item with metadata telling what it has inside it and its mode
    -"breaks" instantly like a torch

    Special battery-packs would be added, for the computer, in tiers - each tier holding more power than the last
    Rightclicking the portable computer with a battery-pack in hand will replace the computer's current pack with the one in hand, dropping the current pack, regardless of tier of either packs or charge of either packs.

    -Portable, never breaks if picked up manually
    -Can be used right next to industrial wiring without problems
    -Battery-packs can also be emptied in energy storage units, making the lower-tier packs still useful after higher-tier packs are available

    -Very fragile; must be placed on a block, else it will fall like gravel and break into miscellaneous components. Has very low blast resistance.
    -Can not be placed near water, else it will short out and explode
    -Only accepts special battery-packs, and the lower-tier types of said packs run out of power quickly
    -Looses all data when it runs out of power
    -Can not accept power from cables

  • Just a little thing I've been wanting for awhile: Greg, could you add a recipe for compressing 1 sandstone into 1 cobblestone, as well as a crafting recipe for 1 silicon cell + 1 compressed air cell = 16 sand? This can be useful for those who choose not to use cobble generators, or just have way too much silicon and don't want ten thousand solar panels or advanced circuits.

    EDIT: Also, it would be nice if you changed your sandstone compressor nerf to require 3 sand instead of 4...

  • Suggestion: Multiblock solar panels
    I suggest the multiblock solar panels. This would be a special multiblock, consisting of 2 types of blocks: the controller and the panel. The controller outputs EU based on how many panels are connected to it, or connected to panels connected to it. The total operative area is 17x17, with the controller being under the center block. Each panel connected properly generates the same EU as the current panels do.
    For example:

    + = panel
    x = controller under panel

    This will output power for 8 panels (proper connection):

    +  +  +  +  +  +  x  +  +

    Improper connection, only outputting power for 4 panels:

    +  +  x  +  +
    +  +  +  +

    This will work like the blast furnace, only checking the panels on block-update. The intention is to reduce the lag created by massive solar farms - one controller block outputting 64 EU/t is less laggy than 64 blocks outputting 1 EU/t.

  • Greg, how about adding solar panel arrays that consist of normal blocks(not tile entity) in a rectangle with a "control" block(tile entity) somewhere inside which outputs the EU generated by the array while having a gui, say, 3 numerical displays, each one showing one of the following: EU/t, length along x-axis, length along z-axis. The tile entity would be used to scan for a valid array and output the EU while the fact that the majority of the array was "normal blocks" would reduce the amount of resources required to process the whole thing. It could be slightly more efficient than normal solar panels, while costing the same amount of resources


  • I don't know if it is possible, but can you disable the Ruby/Peridot Generation of Biomes'o'Plenty?

    Freude, schöner Götterfunken,
    Tochter aus Elysium,
    Wir betreten feuertrunken,
    Himmlische, dein Heiligthum!
    Deine Zauber binden wieder
    Was die Mode streng geteilt;
    Alle Menschen werden Brüder,
    Wo dein sanfter Flügel weilt.

  • A fairly-simple machine or block or smth that can fill/empty stackable liquid containers (cells/capsules/cans) without consuming them. Most of your machines return the containers but there is no dedicated machine for that. (Basically I am suggesting a EU-liquid transposer from Thermal expansion).

    • Official Post

    A fairly-simple machine or block or smth that can fill/empty stackable liquid containers (cells/capsules/cans) without consuming them. Most of your machines return the containers but there is no dedicated machine for that. (Basically I am suggesting a EU-liquid transposer from Thermal expansion).

    Pretty sure the Liquid Injector/extractor does that for free ;p unless that was fixed

  • Pretty sure the Liquid Injector/extractor does that for free ;p unless that was fixed

    It does, but it's pretty ... expensive for mass production for that purpose. I was suggesting something mid-game for that purpose only, probably powered by EU (so that it's not OP). Otherwise - yes, they do it :)

    • Official Post

    It does, but it's pretty ... expensive for mass production for that purpose. I was suggesting something mid-game for that purpose only, probably powered by EU (so that it's not OP). Otherwise - yes, they do it :)

    Just use an input (or output) hatch of multiblock machines, they work wonderfully as "liquid transposers".

  • Suggested already (at least by me) as the "Solar Boiler". Would need Maintenance and maybe consume ressources cuz it hasn't to be fire&forget.

    No, as it isn't a boiler, it is a composite panel, having multiple panels generating energy that comes out of the controller - nothing like a boiler. A solar boiler would be a good idea, though.

  • Just use an input (or output) hatch of multiblock machines, they work wonderfully as "liquid transposers".

    The input/output hatches do work (and extremely fast too), but they are quite difficult to automate as they only have 1 face that you can interact with.

  • Suggestion: Landfills

    Landfills would be large areas where Garbage blocks (in this case, any waste/scrap, and plant/animal materials) would be dumped, to be compacted and produce Methane gas, for use in energy generation. The process would take a long while, but it would be effective.

    First, useless byproducts, industrial waste, plant/animal matter and other odds and ends are processed in a washing-plant-like machine, that mulchifies the crap with water, and also saturates it with said water. The stuff is then removed as Industrial Waste blocks, which are placed in deep "landfills", and the top covered with Dirt.

    Any industrial waste block that has either more waste or dirt above it, decays slowly into Packed Dirt and Methane. Methane is created by a special process - any waste block in the landfill has a 1% chance of turning into a Methane Pocket, which spreads to nearby blocks up to 3 blocks away, over time. When created, the methane pocket generates some other block like gravel beneath it, showing how the block "decayed". The decayed blocks can fall, so that different, random pocket formations are possible. Methane is extracted with a special machine, similar to the Mining Drill, which sucks the methane out of the pockets, possibly triggering a cave-in if enough empty blocks are present.

    Of course, the methane can then be burned in the gas turbine to make energy - but the main purpose of landfills is a way to get rid of waste without just dropping it into Lava or a destructopack.

    It is also too wasteful to make methane by centrifuging stuff, as that uses lots of energy - this would be a better alternative.

    • Official Post

    The input/output hatches do work (and extremely fast too), but they are quite difficult to automate as they only have 1 face that you can interact with.

    Nothing that GT cant solve.
    You can use Adv buffers, adv translocators, conveyor/pump covers and deal with it nicely.
    I think a conveyor set to "export/allow input" and a sorter would do the trick.