The smiley textures are ironic how the mod can kill so easily

[1.5.1/1.5.2] Modular Forcefield System v2 Classic
The smiley textures are ironic how the mod can kill so easily
I think that's the point, lol...
Granted it's a different block that does the killing. The Smiley is the Security Station, so it simply decides who lives and who dies.
Yeah, you're much more likely to see the happy block than the projector though
When Imalune was going through creating the textures, she was basing them off of the original 16x textures Thunderdark had. The Security Station was a computer with a smiley face - she copied that theme and made a monitor with an adorable smiley face.
On a side note, regarding models: we may add these as a third graphicStyle option in the future. If anybody is interested, I'm more than happy to see either OBJ or Techne model suggestions.
I will have a go later, its late now
I have an idea for a few (The Projector, chest and whatever that thingy with the Blue radar screen on it) -
Going to edit this with less swears ;).
You guys have no right to come in this thread and say another mod is better let alone advertise another mod from another site like this in a mod related. First off the other person had tried to close source an open source project. After being yelled at by the people releasing this one above he has now also open sourced his version of MFFS. Not only that his version is not even very usable right now as he is changing everything. That comes to my next point. Since Cal's version of MFFS is changing so much would it not be better he rename the mod to something else? Or is he only care for popularity? I mean he even removed the ore generation...
Anyways this version posted on IC made for IC is the one I'm going to use. I'm not going use the one that a group people keep spamming their mods on here trying to sell UE on other forums like some kind of rodents.
Now please kindly don't come back to this post if your here to compare, insult, and or advertise another similar mod. It's not fair and it's rude. PS this one is a free download... Not triple layered in advertising just to download it.
People have every "right" to discuss the branches of the mod in mod threads decide what one they want. The only insulting here is YOURS insulting the authors as if they are children that cant supply information in relation to what direction they are taking their mod in relation to another variation. No one is spamming. You need to shut up, sit down, and let people have civil discussion about ideas (even if they get the ideas from *gasp* other places, you can rest assured the authors are capable of deciding what to add) without you having to butt your immature angry little attitude into it.
In other news, this is the 'sorta official' mod I have in my FTB spreadsheet. Has slowpoke or anyone related to the utility contacted you guys yet?
Are you going to be adding anything to it, or are you just going to simply fork it?
tipred3: Our primary focus is on maintaining compatibility with Thunderdark's iteration of MFFS 2. However, we do plan to add some things here and there, whre we feel is appropriate, but we also wish to stick to the same "feel" as MFFS2 - so most of our additions will be things that complement or expand what is already there.
Good luck on your derivative version.
Awesome work guys! Since this is built off the original version I have a Tutorial series to show people how to use it. If interested the links are below.
Part 1 (Basics) :
Part 2 (Defense and Security) :
Part 3 (Upgrades and Control) :'ll give this a go soon and do an update to show off any new features and make corrections. Thanks again for doing this. I think having 2 versions is good. Keeps things interesting for people
People have every "right" to discuss the branches of the mod in mod threads decide what one they want. The only insulting here is YOURS insulting the authors as if they are children that cant supply information in relation to what direction they are taking their mod in relation to another variation. No one is spamming. You need to shut up, sit down, and let people have civil discussion about ideas (even if they get the ideas from *gasp* other places, you can rest assured the authors are capable of deciding what to add) without you having to butt your immature angry little attitude into it.Get off his case. Kane has valid points and knows what he's talking about. What Calclvacia did with MFFS was considered a copyright troll with IC2 code, and an insult towards IC2 for whatever his selfish reasons may be. Hell, even his post in this thread
QuoteGood luck on your derivative version.
Is insulting, as he's saying that this add-on will be nothing but a small fraction of the original.
So don't come in this thread and attack someone who knows what they are talking about, when you don't even know the backstory behind this mod. If you want ideas, then fine, collect them and go. But don't belittle the people here who have their right to be offended by the actions of another person.
Get off his case. Kane has valid points and knows what he's talking about. What Calclvacia did with MFFS was considered a copyright troll with IC2 code, and an insult towards IC2 for whatever his selfish reasons may be. Hell, even his post in this thread
Is insulting, as he's saying that this add-on will be nothing but a small fraction of the original.
So don't come in this thread and attack someone who knows what they are talking about, when you don't even know the backstory behind this mod. If you want ideas, then fine, collect them and go. But don't belittle the people here who have their right to be offended by the actions of another person.
I think you're over thinking this. I'm fine with people making derivatives of MFFS 2.0 as they have all rights to. I'm not trying to attack anyone. It's cool that Searge and Mani. are making a derivative because they like the old version more. It's a matter of taste just like how Immibis made MFFS 1.0 as a derivative due to the fact he did not like Monazite ores and such. Why can't just everyone be happy! Also about the license thing, I don't want to repeat myself anymore. Read this. -
I think you're over thinking this. I'm fine with people making derivatives of MFFS 2.0 as they have all rights to. I'm not trying to attack anyone. It's cool that Searge and Mani. are making a derivative because they like the old version more. It's a matter of taste just like how Immibis made MFFS 1.0 as a derivative due to the fact he did not like Monazite ores and such. Why can't just everyone be happy! Also about the license thing, I don't want to repeat myself anymore. Read this.A derivative of a derivative of a derivative of a derivative... *bleg*
You still took IC2 API and "locked it" inside of UE. There are still people mad about that. That's why I took the time to defend Kane, as Bigglesw0rth79 is clearly misinformed in that regard.
QuoteThe MFFS mod was originally developed by Thunderdark. As of Feburary 23rd, 2013, the copyright and ownership of MFFS was transfered to Calclavia.
You still took IC2 API and "locked it" inside of UE.
How is that to understand? "Locking the IC²-API"?
Awesome work guys! Since this is built off the original version I have a Tutorial series to show people how to use it. If interested the links are below.
Part 1 (Basics) :
Part 2 (Defense and Security) :
Part 3 (Upgrades and Control) :'ll give this a go soon and do an update to show off any new features and make corrections. Thanks again for doing this. I think having 2 versions is good. Keeps things interesting for people
Thank you for these, I've added them to the first post in the thread.For everyone else, can we please stop discussing Universal Electricity, Calclavia, and his version of MFFS in this thread? It wasn't my intention with this mod to stir up drama. Suffice it to say that Thunderdark very clearly spells out where the copyright lies in his response to this thread - please do not continue attacking one another over which versions are "official" and which are not, it really is unnecessary.
How is that to understand? "Locking the IC²-API"?
I was trying to say that because he didn't extend the same privileges to IC2 about distributing UE, right after they granted him privileges to distribute IC2 API in UE, that 'locked' IC2 API in a closed source mod. It was more of a statement to reflect the fact that the same level of generousness was not given to the IC2 team, after they gave their permissions to him. I know IC2 API is open sourced anyway, but you do kinda have to think about how it was a bit of a dick move...
I'm sure that if UE was also Open Source, then all of the drama with MFFS would be a non-issue...
@N0dder(N00b+Modder)I am Sorry, but thats the IC2-Forum. And UE, Calcavia and the Real MFFS are even related to your Fake MFFS, so there is no reason to not talk about it here, especially since the real MFFS has no thread here.
Version updated to I did a little smoke and mirrors with reflection to check for the old Ic2Recipes API class. Should now work with all current versions of the IC2 beta for 1.5.1
Hey first I'd like to say thankyou for this. I personaly am not a fan of Calclavia's UE and MFFS. However They are both they're own Mods and people need to stop bitching. If you want IC2 Use this one, If you want Universal Electricity use Calclavia's version. I will be using this rewrite version for now. (No hard feelings calclavia)
@N0dder(N00b+Modder)I am Sorry, but thats the IC2-Forum. And UE, Calcavia and the Real MFFS are even related to your Fake MFFS, so there is no reason to not talk about it here, especially since the real MFFS has no thread here.
You should probably read up before you start something like this. No worries i'll explain, This is the Industrial Craft 2 forum, an mod dedicated to electricty and technology. Universal Electricity is Calclavia's version of electricty that he/she wrote because he/she didn't like how IC2 Works. The original MFFS by Thunderdark DOES have a thread. The Text itself has been deleted and has a link to here. [Addon V1.112]Modular Force Field System Version (SSP/SMP) This does not mean this is a "real" version. Infact the only "real" version is the version Thunderdark himself released. MFFS as I have seen was a open source style licence. Meaning ANYONE and everyone can take the original Code,modify it, rerelease it and do whatever. This can be rude and its nicer to ask however. As far as I know Calclavia and the team behind this revision both have anyway. Calclavias Version three, Of MFFS has NOTHING code based the same as ThunderDarks version now. Calclavia has rewritten it completely from the ground up. But he/she has kept the name yet made alot of changes. He/she felt because of this it could be a closed source mod. I personally disagree because it's name and idea came from the original, which seems kinda cheap. However there isn't really anything too wrong with this. The Team behind this one has done the same at the core as Calclavia, Asked, taken and updated the code and are keeping it alive/adding small tweaks to improve it. Therefore calling it MFFS 2.0 Classic. Calclavia's Version is Currently called MFFS 3.0. There is no real or fake MFFS. The only MFFS truly "real" in this sence in MFFS 1.0 Which I do not know who made. I think it was Immibis (Forgive me if I'm wrong). Me myself, I feel Calclavia has leeched from the famous mod , and taken the idea and name, and made it his/her own. However I feel if he/she wants to make it Closed source it should be an original mod. This is my opinon and you may disagree
Again MFFS Classic team thanks! If I find any bugs I'll let you know . 3D Models (techne style) would be nice but a Config switch between the two would be essential for the Oldschool fans
Sorry for my rant, I just wanted to imform the guy/girl in a civalised manner as there are too many angry people who don't think before typing. Thanks Guys/girls
Thank you for these, I've added them to the first post in the thread.
Awesome. I'll do an update very soon. Sorting out my 1.5.1 install right now. Is it pretty much a straight port from Thunderdark's version or are there new things to watch for? Looking at the Roadmap on the bitbucket page I see you plan to integrate new features requested by the community. I assume that's still on the todo list. If you think I should wait for those updates then I'll hold off.