Unfortunately however, neither GT6 nor GT5U supports 1.8
[GregTech-5][1.7.10-FORGE-1355+][Unofficial but approved Port][Stable] Even GT5 Experimental is slowly getting stable.
How difficult would it be to do simultaneous MC version releases in GT?
I just let you know, if you want to experiment/play with Gregtech 5.09 Experimental, there is now a published cutting edge mod-pack with it in ATLauncher.
PM Me if you can't find it by yourself. I won't name it here unless Blood allow it. -
You can join my server, too. We <3 technology.
Bloody, something related to the armor.
Since you didn't transfer GTExtras, this idea might be a bit more valuable than if you did it already. Warning that some idea you already had might be in this.
So, how about armor classes or rather upgrade branches?* Combat branch
Generally needed for protection- Enchances protection on each installed upgrade by 2% (might be too much, numbers are abstract)
- Enchances melee damage on each installed upgrade by 3%
Visor enchancer - (toggleable nightvision; can show mob health, armor status and something else - simmilar to nanovisor in IC2)
Antidote - (significantly lowers duration of negative buffs)
Biceps/Triceps enchancer (higher melee damage)
In-suit medical assistance (injects "healthy" morphine when your HP is low - boosting regeneration and speed)
In-suit combat enchancer (injects painkillers/combat serum after player's request - boosting protection and possible strenght)
In-suit reflex booster (injectsMountain Dewsome neurons signal transmission booster - your melee attacks becomes AOE; toggleable)
Health increaser (permanently increasing maximum health capacity)
Fire extinguisher (obvious)
(not sure about these, since plates are already allows you to choose between those types of protection; Maybe dedicate few special metalls/alloys and tier them for those buffs?)
- Protection up
- Fire protection
- Blast protection
- Poison protection
- Magic protection (protects from TC, Botania and other mods magic)Legs:
- High weight plating (lesser knockback)* Adventurer branch
Generally needed for movement enchancements- Each upgrade increases ranged damage by 5%
- Each upgrade increases movement speed and jump height by 1,5%
- Cloak module (allows to become invisible using energy)
- Speed up module (toggleable quantum leggins-like sprint)
- Jetpack
*Heavy jetpack - knockback reduction, slower than normal Jetpack (by default requires more fuel depending on the overall weight)
*Builder's jetpack - Balancing jetpack (Creative-like flying ability thanks to advanced jetpack)
*Adventurer's jetpack - faster flight, higher energy consumption
*Engineer's jetpack - original version; everything is balanced.
- Glider (obvious)
- Feather Falling
- Speed enchancement (permanently increases overall movement speed)
- Jump enchancement (permanently increases jump height)
- Block step assist (obvious)
- Swim enchancer (speeds up speed and also mining speed underwater)* Engineer branch
Generally needed for batteries
- (for every armor piece) Battery enlargement upgrades (more energy capacity)
-Allows you to see pipes and cables through walls (hard to implement)
- Saves your inventory upon death and removing this module (3 tiers: 1 tiers - only armor; 2 tier - armor + hot invenotry; 3 tier - whole inventory; simmilar to TF charms of keeping)
- Integrated omni-tool/tools from other mods (something hard to implement with finite durability)
- Extra bag (more inventory slots)
- Integrated crafting table (obvious)
- Allows you to charge wirelessly (from IC2 chargepads)
- Battery enlargement upgrades (more energy capacity)
- Engineer's bag (Additional 9 slots for ENGINEER related stuff)- Builder/Miner branch
Generally needed for Miner/Builder enchancements
- couldn't come up with some name; irrelevant (can visually change the look of the blocks only for yourself)
- in-built scanner (?)
- In-built chisel (allows you to chisel multiple stacks of blocks at once)
- Mining enchancer (can temporary increase mining speed)
- Drill enchancer (can temporary silktouch/luck the drill)
- Build enchaner (something like TC wand of exchange?)
- Air block placer (allows to place blocks in the open air, toggleable)
- Pockets for builder related stuff (9 slots)
- ? (Allows you to reach higher distance to place blocks)You shouldn't look at this like on the each individual class. Try to think like those upgrades are available for everyone and you can combine them anyhow.
Also weaponary module is needed. And look customization would be fantastic. -
Iron nugget in a vanilla furnace does not work at all
Iron ingot in vanilla furnace give iron nuggets.Then how do you make the igniter early game?
Iron nugget in a vanilla furnace does not work at all
Iron ingot in vanilla furnace give iron nuggets.Then how do you make the igniter early game?
I have .11 version of GT5 Experimental and iron nuggets smelting does work for me.
I have .11 version of GT5 Experimental and iron nuggets smelting does work for me.
It turns out our iron nugget to steel nugget furnace recipe removal tweak was too broad and killed the wrought iron nugget recipe.
by: -
I guess it is not intended to have red granit ores in The End rhight?
stones over stones, next crash on my way to gregtech, again, not sure what all the console output is relevant, all I know, GT crashed during Transition from Postinitialisation to avail.
once again I need the help of you, professionals, to figure out why thing are going on and how to fix it.
For refference the logfile:
Thanks for the futher help in advance. -
stones over stones, next crash on my way to gregtech, again, not sure what all the console output is relevant, all I know, GT crashed during Transition from Postinitialisation to avail.
once again I need the help of you, professionals, to figure out why thing are going on and how to fix it.
For refference the logfile:
Thanks for the futher help in advance.Update foresty to 4.1.x or disable the bees in the config.
Thanks, for now I will disable the bees, because, I want to play a bit with bees and genustry and both aren't avail for 4.x yet. Thanks for the quick reply.
Thanks, for now I will disable the bees, because, I want to play a bit with bees and genustry and both aren't avail for 4.x yet. Thanks for the quick reply.
I know that GT5u has added multiblock generators for steam, methane/biogas, and plasma, but unless I'm mistaken, there is no similar multiblock generator for liquid fuels, such as ethanol, diesel, and nitro-diesel. Was that deliberately skipped? If so, why?
I know that GT5u has added multiblock generators for steam, methane/biogas, and plasma, but unless I'm mistaken, there is no similar multiblock generator for liquid fuels, such as ethanol, diesel, and nitro-diesel. Was that deliberately skipped? If so, why?
No large diesel generator, eventhough oil processing become really important in 5.09. We really need one.
Diesel, nitro-diesel, ethanol and etc. can be used in Large Steam Boiler.
Diesel, nitro-diesel, ethanol and etc. can be used in Large Steam Boiler.
But they really suck in it, burning them there is even more inefficient than using a hv diesel generator.
Has anyone else noticed igneous extruder > matter condenser > recycler?
I meatballed about 1000 igneous extruders for Be+D which is excessive but I want to see it built for science. Maybe a bunch of simple TE machines don't add much load if TE is properly optimized.
crash when GT bees are placed into beealyzer. Forestry GT 5.09.11 Forge
Time: 14.11.15 15:55
Description: Rendering screenjava.lang.NullPointerException: Rendering screen
at forestry.core.genetics.Genome.getActiveAllele(Genome.java:185)
at forestry.core.gui.GuiAlyzer.drawChromosomeRow(GuiAlyzer.java:102)
at forestry.apiculture.gui.GuiBeealyzer.drawAnalyticsPage1(GuiBeealyzer.java:136)
at forestry.apiculture.gui.GuiBeealyzer.func_146976_a(GuiBeealyzer.java:79)
at net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiContainer.func_73863_a(GuiContainer.java:78)
at net.minecraft.client.renderer.EntityRenderer.func_78480_b(EntityRenderer.java:1357)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71411_J(Minecraft.java:1001)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d(Minecraft.java:898)
at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:148)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.launch(Launch.java:135)
at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(Launch.java:28)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at net.launcher.components.Game$5.run(Game.java:262)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) -
There is only forestry in the stacktrace. So go to them first.