You should also be able to get oilberries with some crop breeding

[GregTech-5][1.7.10-FORGE-1355+][Unofficial but approved Port][Stable] Even GT5 Experimental is slowly getting stable.
you can combine quartzite dust and sodium in a chemical reactor, I believe, to make the crystals?
So woggy, I'd like you to check your logs folder for GregTech.log and upload it somewhere, so that your log can be looked at by BloodAsp
I'm testing something, but preliminary findings indicate that 5.09.29 and FastCraft (I should update that, really) don't like to play together when I attempt to go to the nether.
EDIT: It was not fastcraft causing my issues.
CodeMMC log: GT log:!jRcSEKZC!ugQsdeiNIsdHImZtyVm5W1E2ZUZcskWXscsWSO1PsiI
as you can see, the gt log is large - 72MiB - and I had issues in my TFC+GT world with generating new chunks after updating to .29, I'm going to try reverting to the slightly older version I was using before (5.09.21, and if that still fails, keep reverting to older versions) and see how that turns out
I especially liked this one from my MMC log
19:33 (mapping started in DIM1) is roughly when I entered the nether, the log continued on for 20 minutes with unhelpful errors before I had to kill the game
and the GT log doesn't give any timestamps at all
that may be useful to have in the future, maybe implement it?
EDIT: At the very least, the last non-dev version of 5.08 loads the nether - I'm not wasting more time testing every version of 5.09, this is fine for now
I was having Nether generation failures in my pack Ascension of the Technomancer with 5.09.29 due to an interaction between GT + ChromaticCraft + Magic Bees. I have just tested out 5.09.30pre3 and it worked like a charm, no more nether gen issues and it's a massive sized pack with tons of world gen modifiers (especially in the nether). Give it a try and see if it fixes your issues too.
Whenever there are cables placed down I get a huge amount of micro stuttering. My fps reading is normal, but i effectively get like 20 fps. The only way to stop it is to delete the cables. Hiding them doesn't work. I'm on the 1.10.2 version.
Hi, I have gregtech-5.09.29SV and iron nuggets smelting doesnt work for me. Iron ingot in vanilla furnace give iron nuggets. Iron nuggets give steel nuggets. where can i fix it in config?
One good guy in discord tell me, that i need to disable blast furnace from Railcraft. Can someone tell me how do it
Hi, I have gregtech-5.09.29SV and iron nuggets smelting doesnt work for me. Iron ingot in vanilla furnace give iron nuggets. Iron nuggets give steel nuggets. where can i fix it in config?
One good guy in discord tell me, that i need to disable blast furnace from Railcraft. Can someone tell me how do it
Disabling the blast furnace in Railcraft's config might be what caused that - I think that causes Railcraft to enable an alternate recipe for steel by smelting iron nuggets to steel nuggets (potentially overriding GT's iron nuggets to wrought iron recipe). If you want the Railcraft Blast Furnace to be unusable, it might be safer to disable the recipe for Blast Furnace Bricks via MineTweaker.
Edit: I found the lines in Railcraft source where this happens:…
I suppose you could try disabling Railcraft nuggets to prevent the alternate steel recipe from working, but idk what additional effects that would cause.
Update GT 5.09.30
It seems i can no longer upload ~9MB big jars to the forum, so DL only on OneDrive or Curse.
Cables and Pipes now have hitboxes fitting their visual size.
Cables and Pipes can be hidden for better view by holding a soldering iron.
Changed Oregeneration to prevent worldgenloops in combination with other mods. This causes the orevein type to change when recreating the world with same seed.
IC2 Reactor vents can again used as covers. Vent covers now speed up machine processing by 1-3%.
Pollution is now visible as fog.
Fix hiding of ores in NEI(might need to reset NEI cache) to show.
Fix prospecting with hammer not working for marble and basalt.
DataOrb and DataStick are no longer circuits. Replacement added.
Port of GT6 timber function.
Attempted fix for fluids no longer getting accepted by machines if mods added after world creation changed the fluid map.
Fix reinforced stone not preventing monsterspawn.
Added config to disable cleanroom.
Fix IC2 Classic compatibility.
Made many more lines translateable.
Improved Transformer information on modechange.
Large boiler speed can now be controlled like large heat exchanger.
Large boiler fuel list added to nei.
Improved pollution tooltips.
Improved EBF and Diesel Engine tooltips.
Fix issues on recipe search of multiblocks involving fluids.
Added config to allow fully automated maintenance.
Multiple fixes for the modular armor.
Wireless redstone reciver(internal) now counts as machine controller.
Multiple spelling fixes.
Fix MicrowaveTransmitter and Teleporter incorrectly loading.
Fix Compressed meteoric iron recipe(GC).
Casings/reinforced stone now transfer strong redstone signals.
Cleanroom controller outputs now redstone signal depending on cleanness. -
Just tried the 1.10 version. 5.10.41. Are these graphical glitches a known issue or is it something on my end?
Just tried the 1.10 version. 5.10.41. Are these graphical glitches a known issue or is it something on my end?
That's been a known issue for a while:
Is it possible to add support for BC/Thermal/AE facades?
Or make something like this for GT?
GT has no multipart support, so facades like that are not possible without a huge rewrite.
I heard someone broke an entire feature without adding a replacement for it. It is now no longer possible to place Covers onto the Sides of Pipes like it was possible before, because someone thought it was a nice idea to carelessly make the hitboxes the size of the Pipe and not fullblock sized like before.
It's one thing to have the Hitboxes smaller, but a compeltely different thing, if that change disables the ability to place a Cover behind or on the Sides of a Pipe, just because the hitbox of the pipe isnt large enough to show the options.
For example, would it be possible to make the hitbox full sized whenever you hold a Cover related Tool or a Cover Item in hand? That would fix this Issue and restore the ability to place Covers on any of the 6 Sides without having to de-obstruct them
This recent change really made GT5 Pipes an even larger PITA than they already were (due to the sheer existence of autoconnect messing up Pipes before you can even paint them).
Please make sure that there is good reasoning and careful additions to the Mod, rather than this careless "I want this, so that other useful thing has to be removed!1!1!".
You couldn't fit a square metre cover around the back of a pipe you couldn't get a wrench around, so if anything it's closer to how real pipes work like it is now
for the behind part it may make sense but definitely not for the sideways part
I've been looking at PFAA. Does anyone know if it's safe to disable all ore gen apart from the PFAA ones?
I've been looking at PFAA. Does anyone know if it's safe to disable all ore gen apart from the PFAA ones?
I think that's mostly safe, except for a couple of things:
1. Make sure CustomOreGen is set to spawn clay blocks somewhere. (technically not "ore" gen, but still possible to mistakenly disable)
2. Last I knew, PFAA did not properly generate lapis/lazurite ore.
With PFAA installed, GregTech generates several vein types in the Nether that would normally be Overworld vein types. Also, my personal experience was that the "placer" deposits made it easy to get modest amounts of tin, iron, silver, electrum, and gold for early game, but once I got further in and wanted large quantities, it wasn't that great compared to GT ore generation - it may sometimes take a while to find a GT cassiterite vein, but once you do, it can easily contain 40-60 stacks of ore blocks.
I think that's mostly safe, except for a couple of things:
1. Make sure CustomOreGen is set to spawn clay blocks somewhere. (technically not "ore" gen, but still possible to mistakenly disable)
2. Last I knew, PFAA did not properly generate lapis/lazurite ore.
With PFAA installed, GregTech generates several vein types in the Nether that would normally be Overworld vein types. Also, my personal experience was that the "placer" deposits made it easy to get modest amounts of tin, iron, silver, electrum, and gold for early game, but once I got further in and wanted large quantities, it wasn't that great compared to GT ore generation - it may sometimes take a while to find a GT cassiterite vein, but once you do, it can easily contain 40-60 stacks of ore blocks.
Ok thanks for the info
Haven't been keeping up with this topic, so I apologize if this gets asked a lot, but what's the current status of the 1.10 version - how stable is it, is it still being actively developed? Thanks.
сhips - where logic?
To craft the machine at a voltage level of 512 volts, type machine name in the NEI search, and in the tooltip we find the text HV or 512 next. So we know that this is the machine and that it is designed for this voltage. (voltage 512 or HV tier is example only)
To craft the chip for a machine voltage level of 512 volts, it is not known which type. One type of chip is involved in the machines crafting of four different voltages (for example, for example, quantumprocessor used in 4 tiers). We type Quantumprocessor in the NEI search and see 4 chips intended for different voltages. Each of them, in turn, is crafted in three different ways from different components.
Let's say that a cobalt rod can also be crafted in different ways. The initial subject is a cobalt ingot. Imagine that you craft a cobalt rod at LV level from cobalt, at the HV level from copper, at level IV from indium. The chips are exactly the same.A chip is an object that is related to the level of development directly. In our lives, once the radio receivers were tube lamps. Then they began to be made from a variety of circuits. And now - everything is placed in one small thing generally. Or processors - decades ago computers occupied huge rooms, had many lamps and other huge details. Then came personal computers with processors like Intel 8086. Now the processors have 4 cores, speed up to 4 GHz each. I can not put a modern processor into lamps radio. I can not put it into the old computer. Do you understand the idea?
In the game, the era of technological development is divided into voltage levels. And we are invited (after circuits update) to put a quantum processor into machines of the previous technological era. It does not work out that way in life. It should not be so in the game. The new kind of chips can not be used as parts in the machines of the old age.
And now the constructive request:
(*) The number of chips is made equal to the number of electrical voltages.LV Chip: Basic Circuit
MV Chip: Good Circuit
HV Chip: Advanced Circuit
EV Chip: Processor
IV Chip: Nano Processor
LuV Chip: Quantum Processor
ZPM Chip: Crystal Processor
UV Chip: WetWare Processor
MAX Chip: Infinite Processor
We get each type of chip unambiguously compared with its voltage range, or in other words with its era, level of development.
Example of Advanced Circuit: it will mapped to the HV type. It can be crafted if all machines of the previous MV series are available. This is the most expensive recipe. Also, we introduce the Advanced Circuit (in the game it is second chip with same name), which can be crafted by machines of its own level with less expenses in terms of resources or time. For the Advanced Circuit under consideration, one more "Advanced Circuit (HV)" is added, which in brackets "HV" means that at least one HV machine is required for its production (analog of technological process in modern processors - 0.28 nm, 0.17 nm). If there is a recipe for Advanced Circuit, which requires at some stage the presence of a LuV machine, then in the brackets of the third such chip, and we will record the "Advanced Circuit (LuV)".This remove the multiplicity of recipes for the same chip. One chip - one recipe. No confuse.
This remove chips with similar names, located on different tiers unintuitive. No confuse.
This eliminate the need to keep in mind all 26 kinds of chips and their crafts, which increases the number of options for chips more than 2 times, making their number more than 52!
The chips becomes only 9. Each chip as far as possible in NEI becomes represented in three-four (or how many there will make) variants depending on a level of development. You see only advanced circuits for craft the HV machine. No crystal processors for our "old" computers!
I might have asked this before (or maybe someone else has), but I can't find it right now. Does anyone know how to make Inventory Tweaks auto-refill handle GT5 meta-tools better? With a flint axe in hotbar slot 1, a flint pickaxe in slot 2, a flint shovel in slot 3, and 1 spare of each directly above, when I broke the flint shovel, it refilled with the flint axe from slot 1, but also moved my spare flint axe to a different space in my inventory, confusingly. I know the meta-tools tend to confuse other mods, so I won't insist on it being able to replace the broken tool with the correct type of tool, and since later I may have spare tool heads instead, a way to make it ignore GT meta-tools when auto-refilling but still be able to refill things like dirt and cobblestone would be nice.
Doesn't GT5 have a Tweak to refill Items itself? Or was that something I had in GT4 and GT6 but not GT5?