Add IWrenchable.getWrenchDrop(EntityPlayer):ItemStack
That solves one of the more aggravating problems I've been having with SeedManager right now. The current wrench is extremely evil in the item it drops, because I can't configure it in any way without becoming the wrench myself. So the metadata bits I'm using to store information about the current machine state get preserved in the wrenched item, and the end user is left with a bunch of "different" stacks, because the machines were picked up in different states. I can't even swap out the metadata for the canonical one on removal, because that annoying bastard of a wrench caches the value before I'm told he's thinking about picking me up.
Also, this API "breakage" is utterly trivial. It's about as hard to fix compatibility with it as it is to fix compatibility with your average Minecraft release... and I'm talking 1.4.2->1.4.5, not 1.2.5->1.3.