Do you need any help with the update? I'm sure I could get someone to help if you needed.
What I really need help on is using the Items API to reference IC2 blocks and items. Other than that, progress is slowly advancing.
Do you need any help with the update? I'm sure I could get someone to help if you needed.
What I really need help on is using the Items API to reference IC2 blocks and items. Other than that, progress is slowly advancing.
What I really need help on is using the Items API to reference IC2 blocks and items. Other than that, progress is slowly advancing.
I have no idea what you just said. Can we send money instead?
What I really need help on is using the Items API to reference IC2 blocks and items. Other than that, progress is slowly advancing.
import ic2.api.Items;
Items.getItem("advancedAlloy") <- return ItemStack of advancedAlloy
do you mean? or where is the problem exactly
import ic2.api.Items;
Items.getItem("advancedAlloy") <- return ItemStack of advancedAlloy
do you mean? or where is the problem exactly
That would be my problem. I was unaware that you needed the item name in quotes.
That would be my problem. I was unaware that you needed the item name in quotes.
look at the constructor:
public static ItemStack getItem(String name) {} <-- strings are passed to 99% in ""
Honestly I wasn't thinking about the DM furnace when I suggested it.
It's really the only thing that makes sense. After all you can get upgrades for the standard machines in half the time that is required for advanced machines.
Moving on,
Since the standard IC2 machines have upgrades that make these obsolete. Can I make a suggestion?
Add an internal queue so that the machines can store more than one stack and still retain their spin up feature.
You forgot the advanced solar panels! Those aren't obsolete yet.
And yeah, once I figure out this transformer upgrade, I'll probably be removing the LV Transformer and wiring the machines right into the MFE with glass fiber. Just don't want to blow up valuable hardware until I find out that each upgrade upgrades input by X EU/t so X upgrades are needed for 128 EU/t of the MFE and later X upgrades for the 512 EU/t of the MFSU...
Probably on the wiki. *goes to look it up*
Shouldnt LVs, MVs and HVs be able to generate a small amount of EU while raining/night time? considering they are 8/64/512 times more effective generators, they should be able to get a little power out of low-light conditions. 1/8th or such, LVs being 8day/1night, MVs 64/8 and HVs 512/64. This would somewhat offset the high price, and at least for me be a bit more realistic, seeing just how much more effective they are, compaired to "vanilla" solars.
Here's the thing, though: Solar Arrays costs the exact same as you're getting output for, with the LV/MV/HV Transformers acting in place of all the Tin and other Transformers you'd be otherwise burning to link the Panels to a storage unit or machine. They're meant to be efficient in terms of space, not actually improved in terms of EU output.
1 Panel outputs 1 EU/t, so one LV Array (composed of eight Panels) output 8 EU/t. One MV Array is composed of eight LV arrays, or 64 Panels, which output 64 EU/t. The HV Array is composed of eight MV arrays, or 512 Panels, so output's 512 EU/t.
The balance is the thing I really like about the Solar arrays, because you just can't argue with it. It is the same as in IC², no reason to change it. I remember the advacned solar panels, these were a pain to balance and even after a nerf I still found them imbalanced.
I agree - these panels were the ideal solution to the debate. When you have people proposing outrageous addons where advanced panels require crap that's made from UU-Matter, someone's lost touch of the whole point.
This brings it right back to where it's supposed to be - every bit as balanced, far more compact and easier on our computers.
I'd like to move back to the queue idea for a second - I don't believe it would be possible to tell the truth.
Any modification to the advanced machines on a core functionality level (changing the function of the entire tier level) such as the queue would mean upgrading/downgrading the induction furnace to match. This would require editing the IC2 base files (as far as I know, it makes sense that it would - just like the old 100% wrench rate addon because it edited an *existing* ic2 item.)
But I may be wrong.
Either way, unless the dev team actually changes the core functionality in the induction furnace for balance, and then adv machines changed according to that, then any modifications of the machines would end up with the induction furnace not being part of the 'advanced' level machines.
i.e. if zipp changes the induction furnace, then it's not the same machine anymore, and may unbalance the game.
On the other hand if zipp adds new functionality to the other adv machines, neglecting the induction furnace, then the 'advanced' level furnace will get left behind.
The whole idea behind advanced machines was to give machines that had an equal operational capacity/functionality as the induction furnace.
This means implementing an idea like this will either make the induction furnace different from 'vanilla' IC2, or leave it in the dust with no queue system, and the 'advanced' machines wouldn't all have equal functionality.
So while I do think it's a great idea (did i not mention that?), it would either require a new tier of machines or some other radical idea using new items/machines. Otherwise it would alienate the induction furnace.
side note: omg wow I need to learn to capitalize things myself, so used to auto-english from comps - sorry if I missed one and someone has grammar OCD
I don't like the item queue at all really. I like how the machines are now. These are not suppose to be even better then the new overclocks. Really it's suppose to be a middle for players who don't have a crap ton of power to waste. Once you hit the level of crap ton of power to waste then all you need is a single slot on the new machines. You can literately do a stack in like 2 seconds from what I seen.
I rather see this mod be reborn and just working and then maybe consider adding new things rather then changing something we all enjoyed for many months.
my take is this the solar panels are LEET not OP LEET just awesome LEET and the advancded machines are great tho adding a cannier and any other missing machines would be nice and maybe a singularity fussion plant or something idk but you make well balanced mods and i look forward to your next update
she jacks into my account since she hates me alot so she messes up everything i have like my world, she burned up all my diamonds...
Seeing as your account was only created YESTERDAY:
Date of registration
Monday, January 30th 2012, 4:30am
I call BS
EDIT: Sorry guys... I had sent this before reading the "moving on" stuff... I'll let it go.
The whole idea behind advanced machines was to give machines that had an equal operational capacity/functionality as the induction furnace.
Agreed - and I think that's been accomplished as they currently stand. Simple concept of "machines that work faster as they build heat", and that heat is gained from doing the work (or from a trickle of power).
It still seems pretty balanced to me. No matter how many overclockers one has in a basic machine, it won't consume 72,000 EU per hour, just sitting there.
I wish this was updated, i really don't like the overclocker crap etc. advanced machines is a good middle ground.. Hell maybe even add those upgrade slots to the advanced machines so we can overclock them.. Then they would fit in. Regular macerator would be a lower tier then the rotary one owuld be upper tier.
Looking forward to an update, only thing missing for my Nuclear Plant
One thing that could be added is two inputs in each of the machines- However that would double the 'required' output slots for people who don't automate it.
I don't like the item queue at all really. I like how the machines are now. These are not suppose to be even better then the new overclocks. Really it's suppose to be a middle for players who don't have a crap ton of power to waste. Once you hit the level of crap ton of power to waste then all you need is a single slot on the new machines. You can literately do a stack in like 2 seconds from what I seen.
I rather see this mod be reborn and just working and then maybe consider adding new things rather then changing something we all enjoyed for many months.
The power requirements for the Standard upgrades aren't that much, a couple geo thermal generators are all that's needed to provide enough power to keep them going.
They don't have to be running constantly either, unlike induction furnace class machines they only need power when you want to use them.