It's very awesome addition from my point of view.

[IC2 Exp][1.7.10] Advanced Solar Panels v3.5.1 + Quantum Generator + Solar helmets !
Sorry guys for long delay with update, but i need full rewrite sources code for new IC API. Big thanks Player for support with understanding of new API. Now Advanced Solar Panels full updated ! Big changes with recipes. It's more cheaper than before it. I hope what discussion war with expensive recipes is ended now
I added new ultimate hybrid solar panel with 512 output for reduce solar farms on servers. Changed internal storage of panels and optimized source code. Enjoy it
Trying to think how is this any different from Compact solars hehe.
Trying to think how is this any different from Compact solars hehe.
How can you not see how it is different? They can produce energy at night time, they have internal storage like a mfsu or batbox etc. COmpact solars is just the regular solars made into arrays.
In less fancy words, these are more retarded than the compact solars and most likely cheaper too.
retarded as in nerfed or buffed?
retarded as in nerfed or buffed?
Retarded as in completely unrealistic and odd...
First two tiers are worth the investment in materials... after that though, it enters into the realm of skewed overcost and complete output disbalance...
Edit: But I will admit, I did miss those first tier panels deeply since 1.7.3... lol
Come on guys, you might think it retarded but I'm sure the modder and those that use the mod enjoy it very much. If you don't like it, you don't have to use it. Simple.
Come on guys, you might think it retarded but I'm sure the modder and those that use the mod enjoy it very much. If you don't like it, you don't have to use it. Simple.
Who says im using it?
Im just giving my honest opinion about it. If you dont like it, you dont have to read it. Simple.
Come on guys, you might think it retarded but I'm sure the modder and those that use the mod enjoy it very much.
That's called the Dunning-Kruger Effect. Or "ignorance is bliss", in layman's terms.
Can this addon works on V1.64?
Addon updated for Minecraft 1.2.3 and IC 1.81 !
Addon updated for Minecraft 1.2.3 and IC 1.81 !
For some odd reason, its not writing the .cfg file so I can change the block-id.
i dont know if its on my side or yours, can you please look into it.thank you.
It's write IC2AdvancedSolarPanel.cfg
It's write IC2AdvancedSolarPanel.cfg
Its not writing anything in that file.
its blank. -
Its not writing anything in that file.
its blank.Mine appears to be working fine
Thanks for the update. I know some people don't like it, and some have complained about cost, but I enjoy this addon. It's not cheap, but I can avoid nuclear power with these(nuclear power setups confuse me as to how to get the most power safely). While I need to spend a lot of EU to build even one of the end tier ones, it's nice to have the option. But EU is infinite if you use renewable resources, so it just will take time.
With the new cost for iridium, it's completely retarded. Just to counter all the UUM, you would have to play for 105405.405 MINUTES for ONE hybrid solar panel. And ultimate solars (with the recipe that takes 1 hybrid) take 109,375 MINUTES to pay off. That's counting the cost for the hybrid solar panel, at an average rate of 288 eu/t. Kinda sucky. BTW, those are REAL WORLD MINUTES. That's 1,822.91667 HOURS, or 30.3819445 DAYS OF SOLID PLAYING. Then they start profiting. So a month on a server with chunkloaders. It's give or take a month for both, it's only 4000 minutes difference.
HeadHunter already went into detail on that, but there's no getting through to people who suffer from "my babay is best" syndrome.
For those of us who can see reason, CompactSolars has been updated, relegating this add-on to irrelevance once again.